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36 y/o female    Moskow, Russia  
Trust Level -  <40%

Hi, I am cheerful, kind, open, I love to travel, I love caring men, I love the sea, amusements. I dream to meet true love and build a family.). But open to friendship too.... more about Liudmila from Moskow

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Online international dating with beautiful Moskow, Russia single women and hot sexy Moskow, Russia girls or Moskow, Russia brides, ladies.

Space is my home and I'm like a bright star here!

37 y/o female    Saint-Petersburg, Russia  
Trust Level -  100%

Despite my bright appearance, I am a tender and gentle flower that needs to be taken care of. I need to be gently kissed and hugged, loving from head to toe, and delighting every d... more about Iren from Saint-Petersburg

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Online international dating with beautiful Saint-Petersburg, Russia single women and hot sexy Saint-Petersburg, Russia girls or Saint-Petersburg, Russia brides, ladies.

je cherche 'mon homme' bien aimé pour fonder une famille

36 y/o female    Moscou, Russia  

Etant une jeune femme Russe adorable et magnifique je suis sûre que la vie est belle. J'aimerais partager ma vie pleine d'amour et de la joie avec un homme qui va m'aimer et m'appr... more about Olga from Moscou

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Online international dating with beautiful Moscou, Russia single women and hot sexy Moscou, Russia girls or Moscou, Russia brides, ladies.

Life is beautiful

36 y/o female    Yoshkar-Ola, Russia  

Hi! I'm cheerful, easy-going girl and I'm looking for my soulmate. I adore getting to know new places, people, languages, and cultures of other countries.That's why I'm here... Smile ... more about Maria from Yoshkar-Ola

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Online international dating with beautiful Yoshkar-Ola, Russia single women and hot sexy Yoshkar-Ola, Russia girls or Yoshkar-Ola, Russia brides, ladies.

the main thing in life is optimism!

37 y/o female    Moscow-Ulyanovsk, Russia  
Trust Level -  95%

do you have a dream? for example my dream is starting to come true! I have already taken the first step and now I am waiting for it to come true) my dream is common and banal - to ... more about Elena from Moscow-Ulyanovsk

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Online international dating with beautiful Moscow-Ulyanovsk, Russia single women and hot sexy Moscow-Ulyanovsk, Russia girls or Moscow-Ulyanovsk, Russia brides, ladies.


36 y/o female    Leningrad region, Lomonosov di, Russia  

Hobbies: I like to travel, knitting, reading.. I do not like night clubs and partying, Personality: I am moderately calm woman., Personal: I love to travel, to knit, to embroider. ... more about Anna from Leningrad region, Lomonosov di

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Online international dating with beautiful Leningrad region, Lomonosov di, Russia single women and hot sexy Leningrad region, Lomonosov di, Russia girls or Leningrad region, Lomonosov di, Russia brides, ladies.


36 y/o female    Usole Sibirskoe, Russia  

Hobbies: Running in the mornings, swimming.. Meeting with my friends., Personality: I am human dreaming of human happiness with my partner., Personal: The time now is so strange… W... more about Anastasiya from Usole Sibirskoe

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Online international dating with beautiful Usole Sibirskoe, Russia single women and hot sexy Usole Sibirskoe, Russia girls or Usole Sibirskoe, Russia brides, ladies.


37 y/o female    selo Lozovoye 1, Russia  

Hobbies: I love Nature, animals. I like foreign languages and they are part of my professional life at the same time., Personality: Due to my job I always communicate with differen... more about Olga from selo Lozovoye 1

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Online international dating with beautiful selo Lozovoye 1, Russia single women and hot sexy selo Lozovoye 1, Russia girls or selo Lozovoye 1, Russia brides, ladies.


36 y/o female    NN, Russia  

I am free and open to everything new. Sociable, cheerful. I like to sing, I like to dance and I want to go to a dance school. Sometimes I'm afraid to take the first step, but i... more about Kristina Krasnaya from NN

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Online international dating with beautiful NN, Russia single women and hot sexy NN, Russia girls or NN, Russia brides, ladies.

I will find whom I search for - sooner or later

36 y/o female    Oryol, Russia  

I sure know what I want from life. I am a strong, goal-seeking and persistent person. I am professional at work. At the same time I am very simple and feminine at home and with peo... more about Olga from Oryol

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Online international dating with beautiful Oryol, Russia single women and hot sexy Oryol, Russia girls or Oryol, Russia brides, ladies.
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